Multi Select Drop Down not showing selected items
Hello All,
I have a multi select dropdown list on a form and for some reason, it doesn’t display the items after I selected them. The values disappear from the dropdown, so I have no way of knowing what items were selected, or remove them. Is there a way for me to view the selected items on the form?
Hello Sam,
To be able to view the items selected by the dropdown list, we would need to expand the component in order to view the selected items.
The easiest and quickest method would be to select the component, and expand the component to another row. When a form component is selected, there will be small arrows on the sides and in the middle of the component. Clicking on these items will expand the component in the general direction.
Another option would be to increase the width of the row/column the component is nested on. We can increase the size of the form by selecting the grid and editing the rows/columns property. To select the grid, we only need to click on an empty space inside it, the properties panel should update, allowing you to edit the columns and rows of the grid.
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