Hide errors from user portal
Is there a way I can hide errors from appearing from the user portal?
An error is generated when a user clicks on the action button. As this group of users has limited permissions, so it does not have the permission to use this flow. And its set intentionally.
what is a setting we can use so that this error does not appear when the user clicks the action button?
[font=Roboto, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]You can try unchecking Show Exception Details under System > Settings > Portal Settings, creating an [/font][url=https://documentation.decisions.com/docs/action-visibility-rules]Action Visibility Rule[/url][font=Roboto, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] to prevent unauthorized users from even seeing the action, or controlling permissions by checking the values in Initiating User Groups within the User Action itself and telling the user they do not have permission to use it through a Show Popup step. An Action Visibility Rule is probably the best course of action to avoid the error popup, but removing permission restrictions from the flow itself and having the flows logic check Initiating User Groups before it does anything else is also a valid option.[/font]
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