Unix Timestamps
Unix Timestamps
I was wondering if there is a way to convert the value (1488566774000) to a date-time (ex. 01/01/2020 00:00:00) within Decisions? Thank you in advance!
[font=Roboto, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]There is a step named From Unix Time that will convert 10-digit Unix dates to standard DateTimes. This step doesnt work with 13-digit long (milliseconds) Unix timestamps, however. Ive built a flow which will take in either a 10 or 13 digit timestamp and convert it to a normal DateTime value. Anyone can import and use this.[/font]
[i]Note: The step titled Epoch in this flow adds time to the value to convert the timestamp from GMT to EST.[/i]
[i]edited by james.hartzell@decisions.com on 10/8/2020[/i]
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