Using Datatype Actions on Another Datatype?

Using Datatype Actions on Another Datatype?


  • Question for you all,

    Is it possible to use one datatypes action flows on another datatype? Like if I were to take the user action flow of a certain datatype and apply it to another datatype of the same type (case entity to case entity, database to database type, etc). Would that work?

  • Hi jcmcmann49,

    After performing some tests to confirm this, unfortunately its not something that is too well supported.

    Our testing does show its possible if its the same data type and both data types have the same fields/parameters associated with it, but otherwise the flow wouldnt know how to reference the datatypes specific types.

    For this reason, Id recommend you either group and copy the steps to a user action flow specific to the desired datatype and configure it that way. This wouldnt be from complete scratch, but there would need to be some modification to the logic you have in place so that it will work for the datatype at play.

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