Stored Workflow Deletion
[font=Calibri, sans-serif]Is there a way to clear out Stored Workflows for processes we know are no longer used? For example, we cleared out a ton of test process folders in dev for process “5z-PD ROT Flow”. The process folders have all been deleted, but the stored workflows have persisted.[/font]
[font=Roboto]To clear them entirely from your Decisions installation, execute the following steps:[/font]
[ul][li]Open the query editor from any designer folder > Other > Query Editor and run these commands:[ul][li]update flow_state_storage_data set deleted = 1, deleted_by = [][/url] where primary_flow_name = myTestFlow[/li][li]delete from flow_data_delta_storage where primary_flow_tracking_id in (select current_tracking_id from flow_state_storage_data where deleted = 1 and primary_flow_name = myTestFlow)[/li][li]update entity_assignment set deleted = 1, deleted_by = [][/url] where flow_tracking_id in (select current_tracking_id from flow_state_storage_data where deleted = 1 and primary_flow_name = myTestFlow)[/li][/ul][/li][li]Restart Service Host Manager in Windows Services OR navigate to the System folder, open its context menu, and select Restart Instance[/li][/ul]
[font=Roboto][color=rgb(20, 20, 20)]
[font=Roboto][color=rgb(20, 20, 20)]myTestFlow should be swapped with the name of the flow which you are trying to remove instances of (in your case 5z-PD ROT Flow)[/color][/font]
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