Allow Users to Create Their Own Accounts
Is there a way a user can create their own account in Decisions? Were thinking about having some of our users engage with a terminal to create an account that they can use later. Is there an out of the box setting for this?
Hello Jon,
There is a way you can do something like this with a flow run from the Guest account. The attached example leverages steps from [b]Integrations > Internal Services > Accounts[/b] and [b]Integrations > Accounts[/b] to create and add details to an account created from inputs the user puts on a form.
These are the key parts of the flow:
1) Invite User Step - This step takes an email address and a string "Password" in, creates an account, and sends an email asking the user to log in to confirm their email address.
2) Get By ID Step - From Integrations > Internal Services > Accounts, this step gets the account that was just created by the Account ID output by the Invite User Step.
3) Update Account Step - You use the "Build Data" mapping option to take the items from the Get by ID Step and Form that you want to apply to the account (i.e. First Name, Last Name, etc.). Note that some items must be mapped into this from the Get by ID for this step to work.
[i]edited by on 5/4/2020[/i]
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