Create Select Query Issues

Create Select Query Issues


  • I have a flow where the user inputs an email id in one form and then uses that email id in a where clause (Raw query) that creates “Results” as data rows in the form of none, one or many rows.

    How can I show the data rows in a form with the results from the query?

  • You might be able to use a datagrid in a form and set it to use Datarow type. Otherwise, youd have to map the result set to a data structure before passing into the form, if that makes sense

  • Basically, I am trying to get a list that I can choose an entry that links me to a form that will display detail info

  • Thank you for the additional info. It sounds like you want to use an Access Pattern here. Can you take a look at the following document and see if it fits your use case?

  • This is perfect, thank you!

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