How To Measure Usage / Performance in Decisions?
Is there a way to measure the resource usage for designer entities in Decisions?
Currently there isnt a way to capture the direct performance impact or resource usage of flows. However, in version 6 the profiler tool is always on and will give you granular flow runtime information like the time each step takes to run and how many objects of a specific data type were created. If youre diagnosing performance issues you can compare the profiler information with system resource usage data to draw some conclusions about what could be using more resources. You can profile in version 5 as well, but it is not always enabled like it is in version 6.
Here is a link to our documentation on the profiler:
We also have the Primary.Usage.csv and Primary.UsageDetails.log in C:Program FilesDecisionsDecisions Services ManagerLogs that can be used to see a high level overview of minute-by-minute API calls, flow runs, etc. These logs will give you application wide information and are not as granular as the profiler.
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