Cascading Inputs
I wanted to check if there was a way to cascade inputs.
For example, I have a form with 3 inputs, if you choose company it should restrict the brands to the ones just for that company, and then restrict the statement of work line to the ones just for the brand(s):
Company :
Companys Brand :
Statement of work :
Also, as part of this, what is the recommended way to do it ? ID, name pair on either an autocomplete or list ?To elaborate on my other question further, I am using some HTML: The best company The worst company The value is the primary key in the database which is used to reference the next list so the data might like: CompanyID BrandID BrandName 1 1 Great Brand 1 2 Even better brand 2 3 Bad brand 2 4 Worse brand My goal would be to call the data flow on the form passing in the CompanyID to populate that brand autocomplete or list. Does that make more sense? I can guarantee uniqueness just on brand name, only ID.
Thank you.
This is absolutely possible using Decisions. Instead of using a string list for your dropdown list you can use a complex type that for example contains CompanyID, BrandId, and BrandName. You then can choose which field to display for instance BrandName. The output into your dataflow once you select the first dropdown list will be of the complex type so you will need to make sure to set that as input into your dataflow.What you are looking for is to use a data flow on your form that takes as input the selected value in first drop down list and outputs a list that will populate the second drop down list. You can create another flow that takes input from the second drop down list and populates the third. Here is an article on form flows.
In your dataflow you can query a database that has the data that you need. Using our integration tool you can set up integrations with Tables, Stored Procedures and Views. You can also create custom queries to get the data that you need.
Here are some articles that may shed some light on connecting to external databases.
In Form Data Flow you can use dynamic Query with wildcards. This Flow will be populating your 3 lists on the Form according to the inputs. For Example: if nothing selected in any of 3 lists User will be able to see all available data in each list. Then, if something is selected in any of the lists, other two lists data will be filtered according to the selection... and so on.
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