Decisions URL
Hi All,
Is there a way that a flow can pickup what instance it is running in e.g. [color=#ff0000]<-- This is the designer view[/color]
or [color=#ff0000]<-- This is the normal portal for all user[/color]
I am looking a way that when the flow runs it can pick up the URL and go down a different path based on which URL it sees
I have tried get URL instance but this stops at and I need the next part which will show either StudioH or just H
[i]edited by Jamie-Hughes on 4/20/2023[/i] -
For anyone else trying to do the same thing, I have discovered a way of doing this
Within the flow data there is a step called IsStudio, this is a Boolean and will let you know if you are in the studio area or not
Hope this helps anyone
Howdy, Stranger!
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