How to hide Portal actions bar for portal users
I am trying to hide the Portal Actions bar in the Portal, how would I go about this?
Check whether you have an existing theme.portal-custom.less file at "C:Program FilesDecisionsFileStoragePrimarystyles hemes".
If not, create one with the name theme.portal-custom.less and add the below class, then save.
.dp-portal-actions {
display: none !important;
display: none !important;
}For versions 8.5 and below, require Decisions Services to reflect in Portal. For versions 8.6 and above, go to System > Right-click on System > Themes > Rebuild Styles, and make sure that you get a message in your notification icon saying "LESS files compilation result: Success."
Once the LESS file compilation gets a success status, we need to empty the cache and hard reload by using developer tools. Press Control + Shift + i. Navigate to the Chrome refresh option, right click on the refresh button in Chrome and select "Empty Cache and Hard Reload".
You will now be able to see the changes made to the portal.
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