How do I tell who’s currently logged in?
[font=Calibri, sans-serif]How do I tell who’s currently logged into Decisions? There doesnt seem to be any way to track which accounts are active.[/font]
ou can get a good idea of which accounts are currently active in Decisions by querying the [b]entity_account_session[/b] table like so:
select distinct account_id, created_date, expire_date, ip_address, *
from entity_account_session
where expire_date > getdate()
order by last_update_date descThis can also be used as a base for a stored procedure or stored query and used in a report data source flow to power a report. This table stores information about sessions, so there may be more than one row per account. In this case, accounts with multiple sessions can be sorted through for the most recent information to better represent their current login status.
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