Flow Alerting Feature

Flow Alerting Feature


  • Do you guys have any way of tracking and alerting when a flow hasnt been run for some time? I want to alert specific users when a flow hasnt been run after a set amount of time.

  • Hi there,

    You should be able to accomplish this be leveraging the Decisions feature [url=https://documentation.decisions.com/docs/turn-flow-statistics-on]Execution Statistics[/url]

    The Execution Statistics are able to be enabled on an individuals flows properties.


    When you tick the CaptureStatistics this will trigger the flows statistics to be saved into the Execution_Statistics table. This will provide you with information such as the reference_name (name of the flow), reference_type, who executed it, and most importantly the execution_date_time. You can set your category name and subcategory, but either way the data will be pushed to the db table.

    This is useful to us since now you can create a scheduled job that will run a flow which queries the ExecutionStatistics data and you can throw in logic that determines something such as:

    IF DateTime exceeds X amount of time, THEN Y
    ELSE Z

    Ill also include the documentation we have on scheduled jobs [url=https://documentation.decisions.com/docs/running-a-flow-on-a-schedule]here![/url]

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