Flow Description
Hi, I am looking for a way to loop through all the flows we have and get the description field and name field pictured below, I would then like to display these in a report
Any help with this is greatly appreciated
I have created a sample report which will help you in getting the requested details.
The Data source is [b]Element registration[/b]. You can alter the filters if needed
You can also run the below query in the query editor as well
[b]select entity_name, entity_description from element_registration where entity_description is not null and behavior_type like %flow%[/b]Regards
Zama -
[font=Roboto]Thank you so much, this is perfect[/font]
I have created a sample report which will help you in getting the requested details.
The Data source is [b]Element registration[/b]. You can alter the filters if needed
You can also run the below query in the query editor as well
[b]select entity_name, entity_description from element_registration where entity_description is not null and behavior_type like %flow%[/b]Regards
Zama[/quote] -
A commitment of appreciation is all together for the data. I will endeavor to figure it out for extra. [url=https://www.bklinkglobal.me/]BKLinkGlobal[/url]
[i]edited by Phillipsxs on 5/1/2023[/i]
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