Error Testing on Load Balanced Environment
We ran into a few issues while trying to test our stage environment in a cluster. We spun up a second node in stage, we were told that it did not have to be licensed. The first issue is that the logs in the ui always reported that the baseurl on the second node was set incorrectly, even though I mirrored the settings and web.configs from the ordinal server. the 2nd issue occurred when we rebooted the 2nd node to see if it would clear out the error, but when it came back online, we received this error when logging in.
Receivera:InternalServiceFaultRemote connections are not allowed with a Personal server license. Please contact support.Remote connections are not allowed with a Personal server license. Please contact support. at DecisionsFramework.ServiceLayer.Services.Session.SessionService.GetLoggedInUserID(String sessionId) at DecisionsFramework.ServiceLayer.Utilities.SessionUserContext.FetchAccount() at DecisionsFramework.ServiceLayer.Utilities.UserContextHolder.Register(AbstractUserContext userContext) at
You should be able to solve the error you are getting by accessing the Sync New Okta User On First Login flow, and editing the encoding of the XML DeserialIze step.
You can do this by performing the steps below:
Search for the Sync New Okta User On First Login flow from within the Decisions Studio using the search bar in the upper left.
Once you are able to locate the flow, open the flow and find the Deserialize Response step.
In the properties panel for this step, navigate to the Options tab, and change the encoding listed in the drop down to UTF-8
Save and close the flow.
Restart Service Host Manager to see if you still have the same error
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