Copypaste not working when copying data from word
I am currently working on decisions version 5.8.2, where the form I created should allow users to copy and paste from different applications, but it is not working as expected. I am not able to copy and paste contents from a Word document. I am using internet explorer.
[i]edited by tharun23 on 1/10/2023[/i] -
Hi Tharun,
Not 100% sure, but this might have been a bug on 5.8.2. Since we have come a long way from version 5 to our latest 8.8.1, we recommend you upgrade to the latest version and test this issue once again. To find the latest releases, please visit our release website, Youll need to use your Decisions support portal credentials to access this. Let me know if you have any concerns or face any difficulties.
Howdy, Stranger!
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