Questions regarding Active Directory Integration
I have a few questions regarding the Active Directory integration feature in Decisions.
Is there a list of fields that can be synced with the Decisions created user?
Can the same AD domain be used more than once in the active directory settings? Meaning can I have one record setup with options to Sync all users and Synchronization option set to EntireDomain and another setup to not Sync All Users and Synchronization option set to SelectedGroups? I would like all users from AD synced but only want specific groups synced.
The list of fields in AD should automatically populate over to Decisions. If you would like to create custom Fields, then you could build a flow using the steps from the Active Directory Module to create the fields.
You could start up a second domain to Sync the specific Groups that you want, while using the initial domain to pull over all the user accounts..
Howdy, Stranger!
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