Auto populating the date

Auto populating the date


  • Hi, I am looking to fix auto populating the date issue in a form. When I left date blank, and it just automatically populated with the date of 1/1/1753 after I hit the save button. What could be causing to that issue? I attached to screenshot to here.
    Thanks in advance

  • Hello,

    If the field is set to Required on Save, then date pickers automatically populate when hitting the Save button.

    Another option would be to pass the current date into the form as an input in the flow; that way it doesnt automatically choose 1753 upon saving. Please see the screenshot below. Under inputs for the show form step, look for the date picker, then select current date, or you can choose a constant date, or you can even use compute date to choose a time in the future or past from the time the user opened the form.

    William Meyer

  • Thanks for responding. Appreciate it.

    I have attached to set for outcome scenarios.

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