Default Report Viewer Auto Refresh
Hey, I use the Default Report Viewer to display all cases that I created for the internal department. I have a flow to edit the case entities (update), and I can see the updates from the case view, but I have to manually refresh the report viewer to see the updates. Anyway to auto-display the updates after the edit event inside the flow?
You will need to use the Send Folder Change Event step after the necessary changes are done for your entity inside the Flow in order for the Report to auto-refresh. This step sends an event to the Report which it is set up to listen to it in order to auto-refresh.
[color=rgb(14, 16, 26)]Please refer to [/color][url=]Send Folder Change Event[/url][color=rgb(14, 16, 26)] documentation for more information on this and let us know if you have any questions.[/color]
[i]edited by on 11/25/2022[/i]
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