Format DatePicker control
Hi there, Can someone point me in the right direction of changing the behaviour of the date picker control?
In one scenario i would like to be able to pick a date only with display format yyyy-mm-dd and in another control to pick only the time in format HH:MM
Any pointers are appreciated.thanks
Hi Alex,
To display a date on a form with your preferred format, use the [b]Date Picker [/b]form control to specify your format. Once the control has been added to the form, on the Properties Panel and expand the Setup Data tab. Enable the Override Date Format setting and input the desired date format.
Unfortunately, a similar setting does not exist for the [b]Time Picker [/b]form control. I will be putting in a feature request to have this added to our product, as user should be able to display only hours and minutes. There is, however, a flow step that will allow you to format time.
Please note that this step outputs a String value instead of a TimeSpan value.
Thanks Cameron, I will look at the Flow but oddly i dont seem to have those properties for the Date Picker?
Just noticed that i am using the date time picker for the date :-(
Didnt know that there was a separate time picker - so that is great! Thanks
Youre welcome, Alex. Glad I could help!
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