Minor Upgrade on Cluster - Upgrade Steps
I checked documentation and briefly searched the forum with respect to performing a minor version upgrade on a Decisions Cluster.
Would this be the appropriate order and operations for performing an upgrade on an Active/Active Decisions cluster?
-Take Keys.dat backup (as per the usual)
-Stop Decisions service on all Cluster members.
-Perform upgrade on 1 of the clusters (in tail performing the database upgrade)
-Perform upgrade on 2nd cluster server (this would skip the database upgrade, but upgrade the modules and IIS goodies) on the secondary server.Hope I got this right! I’ll be upgrading 8.0.0 to
Thank you all for your attention to this matter,
Proudly unfined to this day. -
You can reference the following forum post: [url=https://support.decisions.com/forum/topic28007-best-practices-for-upgrading-a-cluster.aspx]Best Practices For Upgrading a Cluster[/url] as well, but you wouldnt need to stop the service on all the nodes in the cluster, just the one that you are going to upgrade, process that upgrade, restart the service and then take down the next node so that you can maintain uptime and get your cluster updated.
After conducting this activity, can you tell me the result?
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