New version with old database
I uninstalled Decisions v8 and i have database backup from it.
Can i install new release of version 8 with this database?
I need keep projects and users and configuration in old database.Thanks
Youll want to follow the instructions [url=][/url] here. Youll just need to provide the credentials and database name in to the installer during the installation process.
In new machine, if i copy all files in Decisions directory and attach database And modify connection string and run Decisions.web.core as a windows service.
with this method will Decisions work successfully? -
After you restore the database on the new server, run the decisions installer pointing to it, and replace the file storage after the installation is complete, then I expect Decisions to run successfully pointing to the restored database without any issues, and we expect all of your flows and projects to be there without any problems.
Please contact us if you are still experiencing any problems at -
Youll want to follow the instructions [url=][/url] [url=]dumb ways to die[/url] here. Youll just need to provide the credentials and database name in to the installer during the installation process.[/quote]
your answer helped me
[i]edited by placidicehockey on 3/24/2023[/i] -
"What are the potential risks and benefits of using an old database with a new version of software? How can compatibility issues be addressed and what steps should be taken to ensure a smooth transition to the updated version?"
Best Regards
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