How to change to Owner of a Flow
Is it possible to change the owner of a flow? It defaults to whomever created it and theyre getting bombarded by email notifications whenever someone makes an edit.
There are some steps under Integrations > Internal Services > Common Designer Service in the toolbox that can allow you to change the owner for a flow from workflow. These steps are Get Designer Info and Set Designer Info. Both of these steps take in an "Element Registration ID" (Flow ID).
The Get Designer Info step will simply bring all of the info for the specified flow ID into the flow while the Set Designer Info will allow you to "Build Data" and change values such as the "Owner Email".
Note that we also have a category of settings in the "Designer Studio Settings" called "Owner" where you can change some of the default behavior for this. These can be found in System > Settings > Designer Studio Settings. Id recommend generating some test data and giving these steps a try.
[i]edited by on 4/23/2020[/i] -
Along with the above mentioned procedure, we can update the Flow owner by running the following query on the SQL server database too.
UPDATE element_registration
SET owner_email = new owner email
WHERE component_registration_id = Flow IDNote that, we will need to restart the SHM to make the changes effective in Decisions.
Also, [b]we recommend taking a backup of the Database before running any queries on it.[/b]
[i]edited by on 10/26/2020[/i]
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