Convert a list of a data type to dynamic data rows

Convert a list of a data type to dynamic data rows


  • Hi, I have a sub flow that takes in a dynamic data row as input. I am using a fetch entities step to get the required data. I want to make the fetch step outputs as dynamic data rows and give them as input to the sub flow. Could you please suggest any steps that would be of help.

  • [color=rgb(32, 33, 36)][font=arial, sans-serif]Create a console application and add the Student class with the properties as below. In Main method, create a list of students as below. Now we are going to convert this list object to a DataTable. For that we need to create a new class and a conversion method as below. Follow this steps to convert Data type to Dynamic data rows. [/font][/color][color=#202124][url=]PrepaidGiftBalance Mastercard[/url][/color]
    [i]edited by Michaelbrown on 12/12/2022[/i]

  • Hello Divya,

    [color=rgb(14, 16, 26)]To get the output as dynamic data rows, use the ListMappingStep. Please refer to the [/color][url=]List Mapping Step[/url][color=rgb(14, 16, 26)] documentation and let us know if you have any concerns.


  • If the base type is ExpandoObject, you need to check for IDictionary instead of using reflection. I hope this helps someone else someday. [url=]geometry dash lite[/url]

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