Data Grid - CSS Class Template for Cell Styling
This template should give you everything you need to change styling for the cells.
.form-surface-view .data-grid .ui-jqgrid tr.jqgrow td {
font-family: /* insert font family /;
font-size: /insert font size /;
color: / insert font color/;
font-style: /insert font style/;
font-weight: /insert font weight/;
text-decoration: / insert text decoration/;
padding-top: /insert padding top/;
padding-right: /insert padding right/;
padding-bottom: /insert padding bottom/;
padding-left: /insert padding left/;
border-color:/insert border blue */
}Simply replace the placeholder text with your desired parameters and add it to you style sheet.
HI Watson, how would you change the color of the report header background color and the header text color in the data grid
Howdy, Stranger!
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