Data Grid - CSS Class Template for Cell Styling

Data Grid - CSS Class Template for Cell Styling


  • This template should give you everything you need to change styling for the cells.

    .form-surface-view .data-grid .ui-jqgrid tr.jqgrow td {
    font-family: /* insert font family /;
    font-size: /
    insert font size /;
    color: /
    insert font color/;
    font-style: /
    insert font style/;
    font-weight: /
    insert font weight/;
    text-decoration: /
    insert text decoration/;
    padding-top: /
    insert padding top/;
    padding-right: /
    insert padding right/;
    padding-bottom: /
    insert padding bottom/;
    padding-left: /
    insert padding left/;
    insert border blue */

    Simply replace the placeholder text with your desired parameters and add it to you style sheet.

  • HI Watson, how would you change the color of the report header background color and the header text color in the data grid

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