Data Repeater Required Validation

Data Repeater Required Validation


  • I have the repeater as a required outcome, however, the form can be submitted without a selection in the data repeater. I tried to use a validation rule, but the rule recognizes the first item in the repeater as ‘selected’ even if it is not. When the form is submitted the ‘selected’ item is passed out as null.

    How can I validate an item is selected when inside the form it ‘believes’ an item is selected, but no object is actually passed out of the form.

  • It sounds like you might need to adjust the input type on the validation rule, try following these steps to see if this works:
    [ul][li]Open the form you are using the validation on [/li][li]Edit the validation rule on the form[/li][li]Navigate to the rule inputs.[/li][li]Check the input type, if its set to "from Component" change this to "Form Input Data"[/li][li]Fill in form input name with the applicable data name[/li][li]Then re-run your flow and see if that fixes the behavior. [/li][/ul]

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