Flow Management Tool
Hello, are you able to give me a brief rundown on the flow management tool? im not quite sure what Im looking at.
No problem! here is a brief overview of the Flow Management Page
To navigate there, follow this path in your Decisions environment: [b]System -> Administration -> System Tools -> Flow Management Page[/b]
[ul][li]The landing page shows stored workflows
[/li][ul][li]Assignments in your flow can be rolled back from a bad state to a previous state
[/li][li]The landing page shows stored workflows, which are when you have assignments in your flow (when you hear stored workflow equate it to assignments)
[/li][li]When you hit an assignment, the application takes a “snapshot” of all previous step executions and makes a record of them.
[/li][li]Bottom left of the report are unique flow executions (you can tell by looking at the tracking ID)
[/li][ul][li]For every unique flow execution, the bottom right window will show flow step details
[/li][/ul][/ul][li]For rollback or disaster recovery scenarios, generally speaking, you can only roll back assignment steps
[/li][ul][li]More generally, these steps are called [b]persistent steps[/b], but assignment steps are most common.
[/li][li]Persistent steps are any step that captures a snapshot of the flow data (generally speaking).
[/li][/ul][li]Rollback Steps
[/li][ul][li]“Restart at Step” will restart the flow at the specifically selected step and run the rest of the process
[/li][li]“Start After” will allow you to push assignment past the breaking point, and force it down a specified path.
[/li][li]Edit flow Data allows you to edit data that exists in the flow to change a path, or navigate around bad data causing a breaking issue and then allows the flow to continue on its designed path.
[/li][li]Edit Step Start Data allows you to edit input data at the start of the step and then allows the flow to continue on its desired path
[color=#141414]These are the most common uses of this page, and some details on the individual components. Please let me know if you have any questions or need further clarification [/color]
[i]edited by bryan.thomas@decisions.com on 4/22/2020[/i]
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