How to Hide Breadcrumbs?
I want to hide breadcrumbs for all user and on all folders. I am currently running 6.16.1 Revision 69325. -
To hide the Breadcrumbs completely in 6.16, follow this method.
[li] Open the LESS file name called "Studio" found at "C:Program FilesDecisionsDecisions Web HostHUIstylesless" and copy the text ([/li][li] At "C:Program FilesDecisionsDecisions Web HostHUIstylesless hemes" make a copy of LESS file name called "" and rename to that copy LESS file as "".[/li][li]Now open that "" file and replace the all text with text present in CSS1.txt file, save it and wait for a moment.[/li][li]Then restart the Decisions services. Refer to [url=]How to Restart Service Host Manager[/url] for details. Screenshots have been attached for reference.[/li]
[i]edited by on 9/2/2022[/i]
For newer version like 7 and above follow this method.
1) Follow this path in my computer (C:\Program Files\Decisions\Decisions Server\wwwroot\styles\Less
2) Open the LESS file name called Studio and copy the text\r\n(
3) Follow this path in mycomputer (C:\Program Files\Decisions\Decisions Server\wwwroot\styles\Less\theme) make a copy of LESS File name Called \"\" and rename to that copy LESS file as \"\".
4) Now open that \"\" LESS file and replace the text with attached below, Ctrl+s, and wait for a moment.
.dp-breadcrumbs__container {
}5) Then restart the Decisions services. Click Windows> search for \"Services\"> navigate to \"Decisions Server\" right click on it and restart the server.Screenshots have been attached for reference.
For the newest Version of Decisions, Version 9:
1) Navigate to C:\Program Files\Decisions\Decisions Server\wwwroot\styles\lessdefault\dp-cmp\domains\portal\Header\NavigationPanel\Breadcrumbs
2) Open the Breadcrumbs.less file
3) Update .dp-breadcrumbs:
.dp-breadcrumbs { display: flex; overflow: hidden; display: none;
4) Navigate to System > Right-click on System (ellipsis icon) > Themes > Re-build Styles.
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