Can I use a Data Grid to view Report
Is there something like a report viewer for a form where I can view a report created? I tried using advanced data grid but cannot search the type for a report.
Ezra -
Hello Ezra,
Can you please elaborate, Where you are unable to select the report? It would be great if you provided more details with screenshots.Thanks,
[i]edited by on 8/26/2022[/i] -
Hi Mohd,
I am unable to select a report in an advanced data grid. I tried searching and navigating to the folder for reports but not existing. Please see below screenshot.
Ezra -
Hello Ezra,
The advanced data grid creates its own report, in type by selecting an existing report, it wont accept it. If you try to select an existing report, it will error out to an existing report.
Sami -
Hello Ezra,
To add to what Sami said, the Advanced Data Grid takes in a data type and makes a new report. However, you can create this new report using the same Data Sources and Data Fields as a report you have already created.
If you believe that you should be able to select an existing report, its possible to make a feature request to add it to the product in the future.
Thank you and have a great day.
Hi William / Mohd,
Thanks for the responses, I will try to use form as filter and use a report viewer in the page.
Howdy, Stranger!
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