Question about comparing data objects
Question about comparing data objects
Hello, I was wondering if there is a flow step that can be used to compare more than one piece of data in Decisions
thank you
Good afternoon Frank,
Fortunately, theres a step called [b]Compare Two Objects [/b]that does just that. It takes in an two Objects of the same Data Type and then compare each property with one another.
You can find this step under the [b]DATA [/b]category of the [b]Toolbox [/b]tab.
The step outputs these [b]Properties [/b]in a list of [b]Data Pairs[/b] to compare each one side by side. The example screenshot below shows a comparison between two [b]Decisions Accounts[/b].
Each [b]Items [/b]value is separated by an arrow.
Hope this helps, have a good one!
Howdy, Stranger!
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