Hiding Icons in Report Column Headers
Hiding Icons in Report Column Headers
Here is some CSS that will hide the edit icon in a reports column headers:
.rvsp-expanded-grid-layout .ui-jqgrid .grid-ui-edit-column {
visibility: hidden;
}And here are the CSS class names for most of the other icons:
.rvsp-expanded-grid-layout .ui-jqgrid .ui-icon-sort-none { }
.rvsp-expanded-grid-layout .ui-jqgrid .grid-ui-grouping { }
.rvsp-expanded-grid-layout .ui-jqgrid .grid-ui-filtering { }
.rvsp-expanded-grid-layout .ui-jqgrid .ui-icon-asc { }
.rvsp-expanded-grid-layout .ui-jqgrid .ui-icon-desc { }
.rvsp-expanded-grid-layout .ui-jqgrid .grid-ui-delete-column { }
[i]FYI these are from V6 - they might not apply to V7/V8[/i]
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