merging databases
i was curious if there was a way to merge two databases within a flow or within the decision studio?
Hi upwatchingvacation,
Theres a couple ways you could do this actually. I believe I responded to you earlier a bit regarding [b][url=]SQL Joins[/url][/b], but you can use them in conjunction with the [b][url= step]Raw SQL[/url] [/b]step.
After youve defined your [b]Connection [/b]settings, and selected the desired [b]Return Data Option[/b], you can set [b]SQL Command[/b] to [b]Merge Plain Text[/b] and then provide a [b]SQL Query[/b] with a [b]Join [/b]in the [b]Merge Text Editor[/b].
Alternately, you can create a [url=][b]Database Relationship[/b][/url] between the two tables by right-clicking the [b]Database [/b]under [b]System > Integrations > Databases[/b] and selecting [b]Add Relationship[/b].
Then, in the [b]Add Relationship[/b] window, you can select the desired [b]Tables [/b]and [b]Fields [/b]to relate to one another. This relationship can be referenced in [b]Reports [/b]and then in turn used within a [b]Flow[/b].
Hope this helps!
Howdy, Stranger!
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