multiple table joins
is there a way to perform multiple table joins in decisions to keep the entity action association with my folder extension?
You actually can do multiple table Joins pretty easily. Similar to other MSSQL Queries, you would just format your [b]Query[/b] with your desired [b]Join[/b] criteria under [b]System > Integrations > Databases [/b]by right-clicking the Database, selecting Add Query, and inputting your Query in the respective box.
This was actually asked about before at this post [url=]here[/url].
Additionally, if you need to keep the Entity Action association of two tables joined in a [b]Report[/b], you can use the [b]Override Action Context[/b] property under the [b]ACTIONS [/b]category of the [b]Properties [/b]tab in the [b]Report Viewer[/b].
This allows you to provide the desired [b]Context [/b]for a specified Field pertaining to the [b]Data Source[/b].
You can read more about it in our [url= Field column-,Actions,-Action]Report Properties[/url] document.
Hope this helps,
Have a good day!
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