Active Directory Fields to Sync
When using AD Sync, is there a way to specify what fields i want to sync?
Hello Christopher,
Do you mean to synchronize only specific groups or only users? When setting up Active Directory, we can synchronize with all users, specific security groups, or with the entire domain. This can be set by changing the Synchronization option found under System -> Settings Active Directory settings. An AD sync will retrieve all personal information for an account when a sync job is ran. Below are two links from our documentation site that can provide an overview of the settings for an AD sync job, as well as setting up AD with Decisions.
[url=][/url] -
No, not Users or Groups, but different Attributes about the user. For example, if we have data in ExtensionAttribute1 and i want to use it in Decisions, is this possible?
Hello Christopher,
The fields that are synced when an Active Directory sync is performed cannot be changed or configured. However, it is possible for us to pull and use custom attributes from AD to be used in Decisions. The best approach for would be to create along with an Entity Extension on the Account datatype, and have the extension contain fields to save your custom attribute. We would then need to query the AD server in order to retrieve these fields and save the values into the extension.
Is there a listing of what fields are synced to what user profile properties?
Hello Christopher,
Decisions will pull all personal information, such as the first name and last name, along with any contact information from the Active Directory server to the account. Any matching fields from AD will be populated in a Decisions account.
Howdy, Stranger!
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