Duplicate a Decisions Environment
My team has the need to spin up additional Decisions environments and we would like to avoid building each environment from scratch. What, if any, recommendations would you have for us in terms of doing this in the most streamlined method possible?
In this case, we recommend installing against a Database backup. Heres Documentation to learn more about backing up a Decisions Database using MySQL: [url=https://documentation.decisions.com/docs/backup-of-decisions-database-and-file-system]https://documentation.decisions.com/docs/backup-of-decisions-database-and-file-system[/url]
Steps to take:
1) Get a Database Backup from the Database of the Environment you wish to reproduce
2) Restore backup to a new Database
3) Install Decisions against the new Database[i][b]Please Note:[/b] Database backups over 10 GB tends to cause issues when importing to SQL Server. [/i]
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