Rule Chain Validation
I have an input form with many inputs and a Sub Dialog ‘Save’ button. I want to apply validation to the form for a number of these inputs. Some of them have different rules than others, such as the input cannot be more than 5 characters. I want to be able to trigger these rules when the user goes to Save the form. If they have errors when they save the form, I want the Save to fail and then be able to return a list of error strings in an end form step. I was trying to use a Run Rule chain thinking that I could string together multiple rules that can be checked and then append a list of errors. I included a screenshot below of the ‘Save’ SubDialogFlow. Is it possible to have the Run Rule Chain step return 2 outcomes such as True/False? Do you recommend using something other than a Run Rule Chain step for what I am trying to do?
[font=Roboto, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]An All Form Validations Display component may serve you better for displaying a list of validation errors on a form in a single location. Your Rule Chain is still good for double-checking the values on your form before they are saved, but the attached method also utilizes Validation Rules that are triggered at the same time as the data flow used to save form data with an Event Button. I recycled the same rules as those used in the Validation Rules in the data flow to divert the flows execution to the end step if any of the rules return False.[/font]
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