URL of Images
I wanted to know if there is away to get the URL of the images stored in Decisions. I will need the URL to use in my CSS file Im creating. Thank you. -
We can get the URL of native Decisions Images as well as images we add to Decisions.
The native decisions images are located in C:Program FilesDecisionsImages. We will need to open them in a browser by right-clicking the image, select Open with and choose a browser to open the image in. The URL will be available on the top.
For images we add to Decisions, we will need to add the image as a document to decisions. Once the image is added we will need to right-click the added document, Manage>Get Document URL.
[color=rgb(127, 140, 141)][font=Roboto][img]att1[/img][/font][/color]
Please note that when we move the CSS to a new environment we will need to update the image URL.
[i]edited by faiza@decisions.com on 3/30/2020[/i]
[i]edited by faiza@decisions.com on 3/30/2020[/i]
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