Visibility on a form based on another field
How can I show a field only when a certain text from a drop down list is displayed on my form?
Hello Guy,
You can create a visibility rule to hide items on a page depending on the inputs from other components on the page. This documentation will walked you through the process: [url=][/url]
I have attached some images as well to show the specific parts of the visibility rule and what the specific parts do.
You can find the visibility rules on the property panel under the visibility rule section of the main form [img]att3[/img]
If you are creating a new rule youll notice that the Behavior type shows up in the properties panel of the rule as Form Rule Validation/Visibility [img]att4[/img]
Once you have created a rule, you will need to click update inputs in the window and choose the form compenent that you want to control it
[img]att2[/img] [img]att1[/img]I have attached a basic project here that shows you how these visibility rules work using the value of a drop down list to show a specific text field based on selection.
*Please Note: The examples attached were developed to be instructional, and were not developed as officially supported components/code. For more information or to engage our service team to develop fully supported, production quality solutions, please contact:
To add, building our Validation Rules work very similar to our Visibility Rules, as described above.
Howdy, Stranger!
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