Duplicated values for data repeater components
Hello All,
On a data repeater for a form, I have a data flow that adds the results of the two left columns of a row, and outputs the results in the rightmost column. However, I noticed that the results will also be displayed in the other rows. Is this a bug with data repeaters, or was there a setting I missed?
[img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/fiTD7L_05lnr5kToTzxzVY0t8KTBt_Eg2xNbnj4YZwijlkwo--Hs17qcakQyy1Dxco0MaSRzFioD_jpEstG5wzAUCRtlixTLqF9xeT5MxTU75kBjQYvuTHCeIHmOl0eFDPUD9xHD[/img] -
Hello Sam,
A likely cause for the results being duplicated in the other rows may be caused by having the component being refreshed every time the data flow is run, due to having each instance of the repeater’s components sharing the same data name. A possible fix would be to disable “Refresh Component listening to this data name” in the output for the data flow.
To change this behavior:
In the data repeater’s properties panel, look for and edit the data flow
Edit the output for the data flow
[img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/Fegr6YI0-JqiSXJhsGuwpRIaNyItaCVOEggqALFNAycvbc7UrHDIjMyLqh-3Ja_uKR8AkDvJutf1puvHKkoNMTBjU9kWE-Fy2IkClVTQMrYv-nOmFN5dV4YUmNdU6AOnahZt9DzV[/img]Uncheck the corresponding checkbox under "Behaviors".[img]https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/6zQEhkgM0BTGgwjiLfjg-l7-OkW8ToZwk8Wl6Xpd1rNPLm7ONFcozy5qAb-vAAKlD3qjeYDcngVyPCZ4mMQNOtHL6ipp5Vf-NKrEhj-aONFFR9iXWxL03lbT4gfo4b88AInh-BhI[/img]
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