Deleting a Case State Activity
I am working on a project where I have a case state that has an auto triggered activity in it. Its never worked in the form its in. So Ive used the same flow to add subflows to the preceding steps where it would be used.
We will be needing to add another activity to this state, so I wanted to get rid of the one that doesnt work for claritys sake. When I attempt to delete the activity, the only option I have is to delete the flow, which I think will make it unavailable as a subflow, which I still need to work. Is that the case?
If it is, is my only option to rebuild the flow after deleting the activity from the state?
Deleting a state activity will delete the subflow as well. Luckily, it is possible to group all steps in the subflow and copy them into another subflow to rebuild flow without tediously adding steps to replicate.
First, Open flow containing subflow and open subflow. To group in Flow Designer, youll need to select all steps by right clicking mouse and dragging over each step. Boxes should appear on all selected steps. A panel should pop up on Designer, click Group to group steps. Next, copy using Ctrl+C and close subflow. Using a new [b]Run Sub Flow[/b] step, paste copied steps into new subflow and save.
You should then be able to delete the activity and replace process with the new subflow.
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