Default selected values in check box list
I would like to show some default selected value in the check box list. I have created a dataflow to fetch list of values from database and assign that values in to a check box list. i would like to display some default values selected in the checkbox list while running the form. could you please help me.
Hey Ruby, This shouldnt be too hard to do. In your flow designer, if you select your form to update the inputs, you should have two inputs related to your checkbox list. One is the data name for the CheckBox list itself, and one is the input for Selected. If you set the selected to "constant" you can define which value you want to be checked by default.
In my example below, I am fetching all of the accounts in my DB, and passing them into a form that has a check box list.
[img]att1[/img]When I run my flow, that specific account will be selected by default
[i]edited by on 3/26/2020[/i]
[i]edited by on 3/26/2020[/i]
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