Re-enabling List Controls
As a functionality of the form, the user can only select one item from two separate lists. Currently the lists are being disabled upon clicking one item, but wont re-enable (given that the user wants to select a different item). Is there a way to only select one item from two lists?
Currently have a reset button to reset the list controls, but only deselects button. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Ive attached an example that should help in setting this up.
This project includes a flow and form, along with a visibility rule (to enable/ disable list controls) and a data flow (to clear selected item on list).
[b]A few notes for configuring visibility rules: [/b]
1. Both visibility rules can have the same rule (the rule is empty - therefore will always return true)
2. The difference is in the Evaluation and Triggers sections of the Visibility Rules*Please Note: The examples attached were developed to be instructional, and were not developed as officially supported components. For more information or to engage our service team to develop fully supported, production quality solutions, please contact: [][/url]
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