Saving a text file to a local drive
I am attempting to use the Create Text File step to save a text file. I am struggling with how to change the location that the file will be saved to. I need to have the file saved to the local disk of the user who works the form. The following is in the documentation:
By default, new files are created in the default directory - C:Program FilesDecisionsDecisions Services Manager.Is that intended to have me change a setting, or pull something from the step catalog?
[b]Define file path on the step: [/b]
In the file name input of the Create Text File step include the file path with the actual file name at the end. For example, inputting "C:/newfile.txt" as the file name will save the text file directly on the C: Drive.[b]Globally change the file storage location:[/b]
File Storage is defined in Settings.xml. To find Settings.xml, in File Explorer navigate to the Decisions directory > Decisions Services Manager > Settings. Open Settings.xml in a Notepad Editor as admin and make changes to the file path on the following XML tag:
[img]att1[/img]Save Settings.xml and restart Service Host Manager.
[i]edited by on 3/25/2020[/i]
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