Fields configured as required for submit broken
Good afternoon, I am having trouble with a couple of fields (one is a Currency Box, the other is a Number Box) on a form. Both fields are configured as Required on Submit Outcome but I am able to submit the form without values entered in them.
Please assist! -
Check to see if you have the setting "allow null" set to false on these fields. If you do, then that would explain the behavior you are experiencing, as the form will assume that the number field is 0 if there is no data, as a way to stop itself from throwing an error. If you change this setting to allow the field to have a null value, it will then respect your outcome scenarios and throw an empty validation warning.
Some further consideration, If you plan to reuse this form later in the process for any reason and need to toggle the auto-populate setting to true, this will have the same behavior. In this case, you will want to run a validation rule on the actual form that checks to verify that this field is not 0.
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