Application shared settings or config
Im looking for a good way to do a settings or configuration for an application. This would allow easy changing of email addresses or values between DEV and PROD. How have other done this? Is there something built in that i am unaware of?
Hello Christopher,
Would you be able to clarify what is being attempted? Are you looking for an easier/better way to change settings in an instance, or are you looking to change values that would effect both DEV and PROD?
Basically for each app we create we would like one easy location to change all of the email address that are being sent and groups and other configurable items that are being assigned the tasks. Similar to the app.config or web.config in standard development.
Hello Christopher,
If you mean to choose specific groups or accounts to handle a task in Decisions, we can use assignment roles, which allows us to pick and choose different accounts and groups that can receive an assignment.. Ive linked guide on our documentation site that goes into detail on how to set one up.
However, currently, there is nothing similar to a configuration folder which we can use that can make shared changes between both DEV and PROD.
Howdy, Stranger!
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