Local and AD accounts

Local and AD accounts


  • Hello All,

    I recently started to make a change from using the local Decisions accounts, to instead use AD accounts. However, I noticed that some of my users are unable to login and use Decisions after I made the change. Is there a way for me to resolve this?

  • Hello Sam,

    If we are looking to associate an existing Decisions account to an AD account, then we would need to make changes to the entity_account table in the database. Running the below query should allow us to update a user’s account to use Active Directory. We will need additional information to run the query, such as needing the user identifier from the AD server, along with the email address of the account.

    update entity_account
    user_identifier = identifier_from_AD,
    Authentication_type = ActiveDirectory
    where email_address = user_email_here

    After running the query, we would then need to run an AD sync. This can be done by:

    [ul][li]Navigating to System -> Settings
    [/li][li]Right click “Active Directory Settings” -> Sync Now.

    [b]Note[/b]: It is highly recommended that the database should be backed up before running any of the associated queries.

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