AWS WAF Rule blocking Decisions functionality
AWS WAF Rule blocking Decisions functionality
We have applied AWS managed WAF rules to our decisions tool. Some of the functionalities in Decisions are being blocked with 403 error. The rule that is blocking it is SizeRestrictions_BODY. Do you guys know how to fix it?
If you configure AWS WAF to inspect the request body, AWS WAF inspects only the first 8,192bytes (8 KB). With this setting enabled any request over 8 KB will simply be rejected. This impacts the following features and functions.
- Large Reports or Dashboards
- Flows with many steps
- Rules with many conditions
- Testing sessions that deal with a lot of data
Since you are using AWSManagedRulesCommonRuleSet, you need to disable/override SizeRestrictions_BODY rule to run the application successfully. Please try the below steps.
- From the Web ACLs page, choose the web ACL. This takes you to the web ACL edit page.
- Choose Rules.
- Select the rule group (AWS-AWSManagedRulesCommonRuleSet) you want to see a rules list for, then choose Edit. AWS WAF shows the list of rules in the rule group.
- Select SizeRestriction_BODY rule and switch Override rules action, this will exclude this rule.
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