Expose FileData (Base64) through API GET call
I have an approval request details GET API that I want to display the FileData document/file content or as Base64 extract. I am able to get the document details, but I’m not sure what data element (Step) I need to pull from in order to get the file data content.
I am stuck on what PDF Document content or data field to use. My End Step Output contains a simple flow structure with PDF Document = FileData. I’m not sure if this is the correct way for the API to get PDF content/bytes.
Are you trying to get the document data from a decisions document here?
If yes, there is a get document data step in integration/internal services/document service that will take a document ID in an return a filedata object for you to use.
Thanks for your input!
I used the GetDocumentData step, which solved my issue. Man, there are so many steps we can use. I guess I did not try all of them!
No problem at all! if you have any other questions, please feel free to post back
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