question about sql joins

question about sql joins


  • hi, I was curious how you would go about using joins in decisions to relate different table integrations?

  • Unknown
    edited November 2023

    Hi Frank,

    Fortunately this is pretty easy. Similar to how you would run run a query in [b]MSSQL[/b], you can run a [b]Query [/b]thats formatted with your desired [b]Join [/b]criteria via the [b]Folder [/b]of the [b]Database Integration [/b]under [b]System > Integrations > Databases[/b].
    Once you navigate to the Folder, click [b]ADD QUERY[/b] and input your [b]Join Query[/b] in the [b]Query [/b]box. Then click [b]OK; [/b]if you need to test the Query, you can by clicking RUN QUERY.

    Once the Query has been established, it can be called in a Flow via the [b]INTEGRATION > DATABASE > [Name of Database][/b], [b]Toolbox Folder[/b]

    Hope this helps, have a good one!

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