question about delete items
Hi, i was curious if there was a way to see what items are deleted in decisions and if there was a way to undelete them?
thank you
Good afternoon Frank,
Fortunately theres a fairly easy way to do this.
First, by creating a [b]Report[/b] that uses [b]Entity Data Source[/b], you should be able to view a Report of all the items in the Decisions environment. By default, this only includes the non-deleted items.
That being said, if you navigate to [b]Properties > SETTINGS[/b] and enable [b]Include Deleted Rows[/b], then you can view the deleted items as well. To help filter this out more, adding the [b]Filter [/b]"Deleted Is True"
When you run this [b]Report[/b], selecting a [b]Deleted item [/b]in the Report provides the option to either [b]Undelete [/b]or [b]Unarchive [/b]the item. Selecting one of these options returns the item to its original location in the [b]Studio[/b]/[b]Portal[/b].
Hope that helps clear things up! Have a good day!
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